The Shoelace Park Master Plan creates a revitalized park along 47 acres of riverine open space that energizes a critical link in the Bronx River Greenway and interprets the rich history of the site. MNLA developed the community-based master plan for Shoelace Park, establishing strong connections between an inner-city community and its most important natural resource, the Bronx River. The plan makes structural proposals for immediate improvement in river health and provides sustainability guidelines for the long term. The process included a strong community outreach component, hands-on work with a Youth Team, charrettes, the development of a website, and work with a stakeholder advisory group.
The plan's framework builds on the earlier work of Bronx River Restoration, founded in 1974, and the ongoing stewardship of its successor, the Bronx River Alliance, in partnership with the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation.
The master plan was immediately put into action and is guiding park development and funding today and for the decade to come.