Cooper Robertson and Partners
The Facilities Master Plan for SUNY Stony Brook provides criteria and guidelines for campus improvements and facilities development for 2013-2023, supporting the academic mission and strategic vision of the campus. Completed in 2011, the plan identifies opportunities to enhance, maintain, and improve the built environment in ways that support learning and student development.
MNLA’s analysis of the campus identified its overall landscape structure and highlighted its distinct qualities. The firm’s recommendations aimed to reinforce the historic characteristics of the campus, improve pedestrian circulation, and introduce sustainable landscape measures. Working closely with the project architects, MNLA identified areas for growth that help resolve existing circulation issues while still promoting a strong landscape character. The firm’s recommendations for maintenance seek to retain the quality of landscape spaces but with lower budgetary requirements. Sustainable measures such as guidelines for green parking lots will inform retrofits of the existing campus as well as new development over the next ten years.